Good dental practices today
First International conference of Dentistry in Kinshasa
On the occasion of the stay of the doctor Ignacio Martinez Esteban, a volunteer of the Foundation Friends of Monkole, along with a group of professionals from Asturias and the University Clinic of Navarra in the Hospital Monkole, we have organized the First International conference of Dentistry last August the 22nd in Kinshasa, under the title “Good dental practices for today.”

The Foundation of Friends of Monkole, the NGO Corpus Healthy and CEFA-Monkole collaborated in the organization, with the support of the National Council of the Order of dental Surgeons of Congo (CNOCD). The course was held at the amphitheatre of the CEFA near Monkole.
Attended by more than 80 dentists, many of them young professionals, and topics in pediatric dentistry, oral surgery, care for people with Down Syndrome, and sickle cell disease were explained.
In addition, we have discussed new techniques to preserve teeth by root canal treatment. Finally, we presented the different options to prosthetic to treat patients who have suffered tooth loss.

The exchange of experiences between the congolese doctors and the europeans has been very fruitful, and, without doubt, all this will contribute to improving the oral health of the population of this great country.