Did you know that one of the most frequent problems in the Congo among children is that their feet are bowed? This is due to poor nutrition because of the poverty situation they face. This disease is known as rickets or clubfoot. From the Friends of Monkole Foundation we want to promote the Diogo Project, a project aimed at carrying out the operation to correct this very common disease.
Clubfoot (foot equinovarus) is one of the congenital deformities more frequent, occurring in 1 of every 1,000 born; it is a birth defect in which the foot is twisted or turned in and down, resembling a golf club. At Monkole Hospital, Dr. Echarri and his team use the famous Ponseti method to correct this deformation.
Project Diogo was born through Diogo, a child we found on the street in a village near Kinkuemi with clubfoot. The family did not know or have sufficient financial means to inform themselves. After talking to the family and discussing the possibility of curing him, the Friends of Monkole Foundation was with his family at all times, financing his operation and accompanying his family in this great change in their lives.
As part of our aim to change health care in the Congo, we have carried out a number of projects with different aims so that we can diversify different medical objectives. You can find out about the rest of the projects by clicking here.
More than 1,000 rickets operations have been performed at Monkole Hospital in the last 10 years. From the Friends of Monkole Foundation we want to continue helping to ensure that these children can go back to school, play with their friends and smile. Will you help us?
Meet two success stories:
From the Friends Foundation we wanted to record two stories of two children that the Friends of Monkole Foundation managed to change their lives, Beni and Diogo. Two stories of success and excitement that managed to change the lives of these two children and their families.