Thanks to your donations we can change the world
Collaborate through your donation by checking account
Once received the income, you will be issued a certificate of the Foundation of Friends of Monkole for the tax deductibility of the donation.
ES72 0075 0224 3006 0636 0706
Once the admission has been received, a certificate will be issued by the Friends of Monkole Foundation for tax deduction of the donation, with a deduction in the income tax return of 75% for the first 150 euros, and 30% for the rest, and for legal entities a deduction of 35% in corporate tax. In both cases, with a maximum of 10% of the assessed base.
You can send the data and request the certificate in
Collaborate through periodic contributions
At the end of the year will be issued a certificate of the Foundation of Friends of Monkole for the tax deductibility of the donation.
You can collaborate with the Foundation Friends of Monkole by downloading, completing and sending us the tab of a donor. With the aim of you can deduct on your next Income tax return, we can provide the corresponding certificate for the full amount of your donation to this year.ejercicio. If we do not receive indication in another sense, we would arrive throughout the month of December.
Collaborate through PayPal
Once payment is received from PayPal, we will issue a certificate of the Foundation of Friends of Monkole for the tax deductibility of the donation..
Collaborate through our web page
You can make donations to the Friends of Monkole Foundation without having to leave our website.