To date
Monkole at the present time

From Friends of Monkole we want to explain to you the current situation of Monkole, a project marked by solidarity and daily effort. Monkole is a medical center that provides health services and hospitalization in one of the suburbs of the capital of the Congo. It offers both medical consultation hospitalization and promotes health education especially on HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
Currently, Monkole Hospital offers the following services
- Monkole is available 24 hours a day. It offers consultations of gynecology and obstetrics, surgery, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Up to 158 patients can be hospitalised.
- In addition, to bring the health care to other areas, doctors attend two times per week three places located in the outskirts , far away from the hospital: those are the centers Eliba, Kimbondo and Molouk.
- Monkole also counts with a school of nurses(ISSI, Institut Supérieur en Sciences Infirmières) and a centre of continuing training for doctors(CEFA, Centre de Formation et d’appui Sanitair).
- Staff education: Monkole offers training courses to doctors and nurses in Kinshasa.
Catering to over 100,000 consultations a year. The rate of hospital occupancy in 2010 was 90,1%. It offers jobs to 200 people, as you can see in the following image:

Currently the ongoing projects are:
- Prevention activities and education to HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, three diseases that weigh heavily on the hope of life in the RD. of the Congo
- Technical equipment and professional training of the doctors of the Medical Center.
- Child nutrition program in the clinics of Eliba, Kimbondo and Molouk,where malnutrition affects 15%.
You can also consult the projects carried out by the Friends of Monkole Foundation to help all those families who cannot afford the hospital’s services by clicking here.