Covid-19 Monkole
From the outset of 2020, the world has been facing the epidemic of COVID-19, declared a global pandemic by the WHO. Monkole Also need preparation to fight against it: we inform you about the project COVID-19 Monkole
The disease coronavirus has caused more than 230,000 deaths until the beginning of may in the five continents, and the countries most affected are those with the infrastructure and health systems are well organized.
According to experts, the countries of Africa in general and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in particular are at risk given the precariousness of the health system and the economic situation of the country.
To combat the Coronavirus effectively, six hospitals have been chosen for the 24 municipalities of the city of Kinshasa. These are: the Ngaliema Clinic, the Vijina Centre, the Sino-Congolese Friendship Hospital, the Saint-Joseph Hospital, the University Clinics and the Monkole Mother and Child Hospital Centre.

Monkole vs Covid:
In response to this sudden situation, Monkole has taken a number of hygienemeasures, which are listed below. It has also decided to move activities to Monkole 2 as a reception centre for COVID-19 patients with a capacity of 25 beds.
To address this pandemic in the area entrusted to it, Monkole requested the support of the Congolese government. As a result of the application, materials and consumables were delivered, as well as a risk premium for staff.
ACTEC (a Belgian development NGO) has a budget of 30,000 dollars, the Congolese government 7,000 dollars, the hospital’s own contribution 33,000 dollars. Which leaves the hospital for financing $72,000.
Hencethe presentation of this global project COVID-19 Monkole to the Foundation of Friends of Monkole requesting 36.000 $ (33.000 €).
As part of our goal to change health care in the Congo, we carry out a number of projects with different objectives so that we can diversify different medical goals. You can find out about the rest of the projects by clicking here.