Did you know that Monkole Hospital is one of the few hospitals in the Congo that have Neonatal care? From the Fundación Amigos de Monkole with the Marceline Project we want to give the necessary help to all those children born prematurely.
Approximately of every 10 newborns requires care neonatológicos for about a month. This involves an expenditure normally unaffordable for families, and in the case of Monkole in a special way, since there are many cases from other hospitals that do not have the means to treat these children.
In Monkole, in its way of function routine, the first thing is to take care of people, to ensure that all and are looking for funding to take on the extra cost that entails, which is in the range of 1250€ for each case.
With the Marceline project we intend this year to finance, thanks to private or institutional donations, the neonatal care of 20 newborns.
- For every 100,000 children born alive, 693 mothers die in childbirth. While there are 25 in Chile, 21 in the USA, 8 in France, 6 in Spain and 4 in Italy.
- For every 100,000 children born alive, 7,100 die in the days following birth. While there are 690 in Chile, 590 in the USA and 330 in Spain, France, Italy.
As part of our aim to change health care in the Congo, we have carried out a number of projects with different aims so that we can diversify different medical objectives. You can find out about the rest of the projects by clicking here.