You can already order your 2020 calendar

Help us change lives in the D. R. of the Congo
If you want to help us you can make a donation through paypalor by bank transfer into the current account, ES72 0075 0224 3006 0636 0706, and send an e-mail indicating your postal address to and the number of calendars that you want that we send to you (suggested donation 5€).
Thanks to the money raised in the previous year we have funded 42 operations of orthopedics, children (rickets) 17 operations of pediatric surgery, we have taken care of 28 babies in neonatal and we have supplied drugs for four months to the medical antennas (where they offer the medicines at 25% of its value so people can buy them) We all have changed the lives of 87 children.
Compra un calendario de Amigos de Monkole
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